In the driver’s seat, yes, but can a woman afford the vehicle?
There are many reasons women choose the path of entrepreneurship. One of the reasons is as an alternative to the much talked about “glass...

CASE STUDY: FROPRO The Power of your Story to Create Trust and Community
The most powerful tool in an entrepreneur tools’ box is their story. Why did they risk their financial security to start their own...

3 Books Every Small Business Owner Should Read
Since I was young, I have been a voracious reader so can recommend different books for different lessons but these three are a must no...

Top 10 LinkedIn SEO Optimization Tips
It seem as entrepreneurs we are always waiting got be discovered! At different moments we want to be discovered by customers, key...

LinkedIn Profile Example

5 tips when raising Money from Family & Friends
Many entrepreneurs get their first round from friends and family because of the established trust; however, it is still important to keep...

Do companies still need a Business plan?
I was recently at a party, and when I mentioned that I write business plans for a living, several people asked me "do companies still...

5 ways to train your brain to stay focused
In today's world of instant access makes it hard to stay focused and productive. There is a constant stream of emails, phone calls and...

Where to find the RIGHT investors?
I always recommend taking “smart” money but sometimes any money will do the trick. Below are some great sources to find potential...